The Valais Blacknose Sheep Association of North America announces the successful launch of a “breed up program” for introducing the breed to North America. The first generation of lambs are being born in 2018.
For centuries, the Valais Blacknose sheep were found only in Switzerland on the remote snow-covered peaks of Valais. Although the sheep are believed to have existed since the 15th century, it became a breed recognized by the Swiss Sheep Breeding Association in the mid 1960’s as the Walliser Schwarznasen or Valais Blacknose because of its unique markings. Several hundred were exported to the United Kingdom in 2014. The breed’s wool is considered ideal for carpets, bedding and felting.
The Blacknose Sheep Association of North America was formed in 2017 to support the introduction of the breed to the United States and record the offspring of the breed up programs already in progress.
For more information, on how to purchase the frozen semen of the Valais Blacknose Sheep, as well as general information on the breed, contact the Teton Blacknose Sheep Company at [email protected], www.tetonvalais.com or 561-309-1402.
Article Source: ASI Weekly March 23, 2018
Photo Source: http://valaisblacknosesheepsociety.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/image11.jpeg
I am interested in purchasing black nose sheep semen straws. My farm is in Northern CA
Contact Reni and Kevin Melvin at [email protected] – they are the only members who currently breed them. The 1st farm to import them is on the west coast and their contact info is in the text of this post. They have wethers for sale that were born this Spring (Teton Valais Sheep Co. email: [email protected]).
I am located ft worth Texas and would like to purchase some valsis sheep. Do you have them for sale?
Contact the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society USA on FB = https://www.facebook.com/groups/vbssusa/
or either of our members who are in the breed up program can likely help you = Kevin and Reni Melvin at [email protected] or Bob May at [email protected]
Did you ever purchase the Blacknose Sheep? If so, how are they doing in Texas with our extreme heat?
How does someone go about purchasing a Valais?
Linda Brenner
Contact info is given in the post above for the 1st farm to have them available in the US (Teton Valais Blackface Sheep Co.) They are on the west coast, but Reni and Kevin Melvin are members who have one here in NJ. They will be breeding up and have F1 sheep available for sale next Spring. You could contact them for more info as well ([email protected]).
What does that mean “breading up” and what are F1. I’m a novice doing some long term research for myself. Thanks, Carole
A Breed-Up Program uses semen from a pure bred animal to breed a similar breed, and then over multiple generations the resulting lambs are nearly 100% of the desired breed. For example:
Breeding Scottish Blackface ewes using Valais Blacknose Semen to produce an F1-50% Valais Blacknose lamb is the 1st step. In order to get a full Valais Blacknose breed the resulting F1 (50%) ewes with pure bred semen to get the F2 hybird (75% pure) and so on:
F1 (50% Valais)
F2 (75% Valais)
F3 (88% Valais)
F4 (94% Valais)
F5 (97% Valais)
The recommendation from the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society committee is to use ewes from these breeds in preference order: Scottish Blackface Sheep (originally used to create the Valais Blacknose), Leicester Longwool, Lincoln. Some have also used Gotlands or Teeswaters. No matter what breed, the sheep need to be registered. You can read more about the considerations for a breed up program at the Valais Black Nose Sheep Society website: https://valaisblacknosesheepsociety.wordpress.com/2018/03/05/the-science-and-art-of-upgrading-foundations/
That is fascinating thanks for taking the time to explain
Why not just import eggs too, and use artificial insemination to start off with 100% pure sheep?
Only live sheep, sperm or embryos may be imported into the US. Embryo importation requirements are even more expensive than sperm or live sheep import requirements.
Hello could you text me please more information on your Lambs thank you so much I’m in Indiana 260-564-4808
You’ll need to contact a breeder – GSSB is an association for NJ and PA members, not an individual person or farm. Post to the Valais Black Nose Sheep group on Facebook to find someone in your area.
I would like to purchase four bred females next year. Can anyone help me
Contact the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society USA on FB = https://www.facebook.com/groups/vbssusa/
or either of our members who are in the breed up program can likely help you = Kevin and Reni Melvin at [email protected] or Bob May at [email protected]
I am interested in purchasing a Valais Blacknose, I live in Mullica Hill NJ. How much does one sheep cost? And how long would it take, before I can take it home?
Contact the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society USA on FB = https://www.facebook.com/groups/vbssusa/
or either of our members who are in the breed up program can likely answer your questions (both of them are in NJ) = Kevin and Reni Melvin at [email protected] or Bob May at [email protected]
I would like to purchase two baby ewes in the spring.
How do I go about doing this?
Contact the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society USA on FB = https://www.facebook.com/groups/vbssusa/
or either of our members who are in the breed up program can likely answer your questions (both of them are in NJ) = Kevin and Reni Melvin at [email protected] or Bob May at [email protected]
Very interested in purchasing a few of the Valais Blacknose lambs. Looking to start an upgrade flock. Located in Newport, TN. 865-322-2618
I live in PA and am interested in purchasing a male and female to continue the breed in this part of the country.. Could you send me any info?
Contact one of our members who breed them = there are 3.
Why not just import actual purebred Valais Blacknose sheep from Switzerland?
Importing live sheep (or goats) into the US is only allowed if the animals are coming from Canada, Australia or New Zealand and the import requirements are very expensive. Importing from Australia for instance requires a 60 day quarantine before leaving Australia, a 30 day quarantine in the US once they arrive, in addition of a number of lab tests and health certifications all paid for by the exporter or importer. It is cheaper to meet the regulations for importing semen which is how new breeds and bloodlines are typically introduced into the US for quite a few years now. The US regulations are intended to avoid introducing ectoparasites (ie- ticks, etc.), hoof and mouth disease, etc. into the US which could devastate the livestock industry. To read the detailed requirements for importing sheep/ goats into the US go to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (better known as APHIS) website: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-and-animal-product-import-information/live-animal-imports/import-sheep-goat-semen-embryos
Can I have one ewe?
You need to contact a breeder. There are several of our members who breed them. You can find them by Browsing the Member Directory: https://njsheep.net/member-directory/cat/breed/valais-blacknose/