The following links and information are provided by Cornell University of Ithaca, NY: Thanks to GSSB Member Marlene Halstead of Rocky Top Farm, PA, for forwarding these links for posting ….
** Betsy Hodge and Dr. Tatiana Stanton did a very thorough presentation suitable for beginners on lambing and kidding during a webinar on April 19th, 2022 .
The recording of the webinar is available at:
Feel free to share this link with other interested goat and sheep raisers.
** Kidding with Confidence: Kidding mentoring Booklet – Kidding Season Supplies
Even though it is labeled Kidding the information is relevant to both goat kids and lambs. It even includes “how to” sheets on tubing, dystocia positions, milking, bottle feeding, IP injections, etc.
** Low Input Lambing/Kidding Reso urce Guide – goats/research/low-input- lambing-kidding/ – This resource focuses on possible ways to manage lambing and kidding season more efficiently.
· Very basic Slide show of doe kidding summarizing some of the images from the guide: https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn. com/ 6103/files/2015/06/kidding- 2b4xf09.pdf
** CCE Cortland 02/17/2021 – media/Lambing+%26+Kidding+ Part+1A+Presentation+and+Q% 26A+with+Dr.+Niko+ Kochendoerfer/1_qk72vvm5 –Lamb ing & Kidding by Dr. Niko Kochendoerfer, focuses in part on time management and efficiency
** CCE St. Lawrence County – media/Kidding+and+Lambing+ Workshop+-+2021/1_965t2mon Kid ding and Lambing Basics by Betsy Hodge
** CCE Delaware Dec 2021 – – This presentation given by Dr. Emily Dutton DVM discusses what to look for in the birthing process, how to set you lambs and kids up for success, and when to know it’s time to call the vet.