click to jump to the section/group of links of interest.

General Resources
Annual Conference Presentations: 2016, 2015, 2014
- APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)
- Breeders’ World
- Building a Sustainable Business
- College Degrees for Working with Animals (Affordable Colleges Online)
- Cornell Sheep Program
- Dead Animal Disposal
- Electronic Zoo
- Guard Llamas (IA State, pdf)
- Maryland Small Ruminant Page
- Milking Sheep Breed Info and Directory
- NJ Fibershed
- Northeast Sheep & Goat Marketing
- Pipestone Lamb and Wool Management Program (Online courses offered by Minn. State Comm. & Techn. College)
- Ranch Manager: Sheep Management software
- Sheep Breeds (Oklahoma State)
- Sheep Breeds List/ Photos (
- Sheep Book, The by Ron Parker
- Sheep @ Purdue
- Sheep & Goats – Sheepnet – Illinois Livestock Trail (Univ. Illinois Ext.)
- Sheep Links (from Deer Run Farm)
- Small Farm Business Resources (Univ. of Minn.)
- OSU Sheep Team (Ohio State Univ. Ext.)
- US Animal Health Association
- US Sheep Breeders Online Directory
- Veterinary Technician Schools Guide
- Veterinary and Animal Health Resources (from
- Virginia Tech Ext Sheep Resources
- Yocom-McColl Testing Laboratories (fiber diameter)
Breed Associations
- American Angora Goat Breeders Association
- America Coopworth Registry
- American Cormo Sheep Association
- American Corriedale Sheep Association
- American Finnsheep Breeders Association
- American Hampshire Sheep Association
- American Karakul Sheep Registry
- American North Country Cheviot Sheep Association
- American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association
- American Romney Breeders Association
- American Southdown Breeders Association
- Barbados Blackbelly Sheep Association International
- Bluefaced Leicester Union of North America
- Breed Organizations List
- Breedersworld Directory
- Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association
- Columbia Sheep Breeders Association of America
- Continental Dorset Club
- Eastern Cashmere Association
- Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America
- Jacob Sheep Breeders Association
- Jacob Sheep Conservancy
- Katahdin Hair Sheep International
- Livestock Conservancy
(previously American Livestock Breeds Conservancy – ALBC) - Miniature Cheviot Sheep Breeders Cooperative
- Montadale Sheep Breeders Association
- National Lincoln Sheep Breeders Association
- National Tunis Sheep Registry
- National Colored Wool Growers Association
- Navajo-Churro Sheep Association
- North American Babydoll Southdown Association
- North American Clun Forest Association
- North American Shetland Sheepbreeders Association
- North American Wensleydale Sheep Association
- Pygora Breeders Association
- St. Croix Sheep Breeders Association
- US Targhee Sheep Association
- United Suffolk Sheep Association
Equipment & Supplies
- Caprine Supply
- Nasco
- Farm and Fleet
- FarmTek
- Gempler’s
- Hemp’s Clipper Repair
- Jeffers Livestock
- Midstates Wool Growers
- Nelson Livestock Waterers
- Pipestone Veterinary Supply
- Premier
- Santa Cruz Animal Health Products
- Sheepman Supply Company
- Sydell Equipment
- Tractor Supply
- Walts Tractor Parts
Health Management
- American Consortium For Small Ruminant Parasite Control – Excellent resource; includes FAMACHA certification information
- ASI Educational Webinars (Grow Your Flock Program) – covers many health and production topics.
- FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
- International Wool Textile Organization’s (IWTO) Guidelines for Wool Sheep Welfare
- NetVet (Veterinary
Resources – Univ. of WA) VEIN Sheep Health & Production
(A course for Veterinary Science V students by KA Abbott and WMC
Maxwell Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney,
2002). - US Sheep Care Guide. Developed to serve as a reference
for US sheep producer and has been written in recognition ofan ethical responsibility for the humane care of animals
Knitting & Crocheting
- Brioche Stitch
- Crocheting in the Car
- Learn to Crochet (Lion Yarns)
- Learn to Knit (Lion Yarns)
- Pattern Finder (Lion Yarns)
- Ravelry
- Stitchfinder (Lion Yarns)
- Stitch Tutorials (Stitch Diva)
Pasture Management
- Electric Fencing Mistakes
- Forage Testing
- Haying Frequently Asked Questions (Ronald Florence)
- Hay, Pasture and Silage
- Internet Hay Exchange
- Our Pastures, they deserve better care
- Pasture Frequently Asked Questions (Ronald Florence)
- Penn State Forages
- Poisonous Plants and Flowers (Seranata Flowers) – Scroll Down to “Poisonous Plants for Animals”
- Poisonous Plants (Cornell University)
- Poisonous Plants (Rutgers University)
- Poisonous Plants Electronic Resources (University of Illinois)
- Poisonous Plants (University of Montana)
- Poisonous Plants in Canada
- Poisonous Plants in North Carolina
- Poisonous Plants in Nova Scotia
- US Drought Monitor
- Weeds in Montana
- Weeds in New Jersey
Sheep & Fiber Festivals
- Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival
- Convergence (Handweavers Guild)
- Creative Strands Conference
- Eastern States Expo
- Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival
- Lehigh Valley Fiber Festival
- MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA)
- Maryland Sheep & Fiber Festival
- Massachusetts Sheep & Woolcraft Fair
- New York Sheep & Fiber Festival
- North American International Livestock Exposition
- World Sheep & Wool Congress
- Capricorn Cashmere
- FabricLink
- Handweavers Guild of America
- Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association (MAFA)
- North American Felters’ Network
- SpinOff Magazine
- Spinning with dog fur
- Spring Housecleaning – Used Spinning Equipment
- Wool Assessment for Handspinning
- Wool Works Knitting Compendium
- Wool Eating Insects
State Sheep Associations
- Connecticut Sheep Breeders Association
- Michigan Sheep Breeders Association
- Montana Wool Growers
- Garden State Sheep Breeders (web site) or on Facebook
- Vermont Sheep Breeders Association
- Handweaving Drafts (
- On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics
(Univ. of Arizona, Computer Science Dept.) - Weaving 101 (Weavolution)
Wool Color Genetics
- Color Genetics Primer
- Color Genetics in Angora Goats
- Color Genetics in Icelandic Sheep
- Color Genetics in Spaelsau Sheep
Wool Mills
- A+ Alpaca Fiber Mill ( Jordan NY)
- Battenkill Fibers (Greenwich NY)
- Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill (Mount Horeb WI)
- Fingerlakes Yarns Mill (Genoa NY)
- Frankenmuth Wool Mill (Frankenmuth MI)
- Green Mountain Spinnery (Putney VT)
- Gurdy Run Mill (Halifax PA)
- MacAuslands Woolen Mills (Prince Edward Island, Canada)
- Mill at Meadowlands (Randallstown, MD)
- Round Barn Fiber Mill (Durand IL)
- Shepherd’s Mill (Kansas)
- Spinderella’s Creations Carding Mill (Salt Lake City UT)
- Still River Mill (Eastford CT)
- Stonehedge Fiber Mill (East Jordan MI)
- Sweitzer’s Fiber Mill (Seven Valleys PA)
- Zeilinger Wool Company(Frankenmuth MI)
Page Last Updated: Feb. 16, 2023